Document: Suzuki Burgman AN650 (Keychain).zip

The ZIP file contains an STL file that can be processed by a 3D printer.
Dimensions: 85 mm x 54 mm
Document: Suzuki Burgman AN650 (Keychain).zip
The ZIP file contains an STL file that can be processed by a 3D printer.
Dimensions: 85 mm x 54 mm
After three years of driving a Peugeot Satelis 250 to my complete satisfaction, a 2009 Suzuki Burgman AN650 came my way. Because I had been looking for a motor scooter with which you can comfortably ride with two people, this was a very good alternative.
During my first impressions I was mainly struck by the appearance and soon after by the enormous weight. The appearance is a positive thing here and the (over)weight takes some getting used to.
Maneuvering through rush hour traffic on a Suzuki Burgman is akin to using a 20kg sledgehammer on a thumbtack – neither is right for the job, although both will complete the task.
But, unlike the 20kg sledgehammer, the 2009 Burgman 650 Executive has folding mirrors to make its job a little easier – not the normal, rotating engine items, but the ones that swing in electronically at the push of a button. A gimmick? At first I thought so, but they really work.
There are also plenty of other buttons to press on the Burgman’s steering wheel, with the big Burgman in addition to automatic transmission also having an electronic 6-speed gearbox, activated by pressing buttons near the left handle. It is similar to the electronic sequential shifting found on expensive sports cars.
But the buttons don’t stop there. There’s also a power mode button, plus another button to raise and lower the electrically adjustable screen. Yes, plenty of buttons. But even then, the Burgman is not your normal, everyday scooter.
Suzuki’s maxi scooter is really a touring bike in disguise and in its latest executive guise it has more features than ever before. For 2009 it gets standard ABS, a passenger backrest and an immobilizer system, all for the same € 12,999 price as the 2007 model.
The Burgman is undeniably the king of the maxi scooters. The Suzuki Burgman AN650 loves the open road and spoils the rider with unparalleled weather protection, a luxurious saddle and a gigantic 50 liters of storage space under the seat. There are also three good-sized compartments in the fairing, plus it has excellent stability at high speeds and the on-board computer keeps the rider informed of fuel consumption – 5.7 l/100 km in the suburbs and 5 l/100 km on the public road. With a 15 liter tank this gives a range of 280 km.
At 638 cc, the Burgmans have the largest engine in the maxi scooter category, the largest body, the most kilos, the most legroom, the largest number of technical functions – and the most buttons.
Speaking of buttons, I don’t really see any advantage in manual shifting, as the Suzuki Electronically Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (SECCVT) allows the Burgman to win most traffic light sprints. I’m fine with setting it and forgetting it.
The enormous braking power when releasing the accelerator at lower speeds via the SECCVT, for example when approaching traffic lights, is surprising. It’s a bit too strong for my taste, but I quickly learned to adapt.
Although the Suzuki Burgman AN650 is infamous for its (SEC) CVT, I think that the rider of this scooter in particular has a major impact on this. Unfortunately, the parts are on the pricey side, but fortunately all parts are still available new and a lot is also available on the second-hand market.
Brochure with the entire line-up of Suzuki Motorcycles from 2007.
Document No.: 09 99992 10104 A07
Steeds meer mensen ontdekken de motorscooter en eerlijk gezegd zijn wij hierover niet echt verbaasd. Eind jaren ’90 reden wij al als liefhebbers door de grote steden, die toen ook al dichtgeslibd waren. En de mensen die klagen over kou of regen? Wie maalt daarom als je altijd en overal vlot kan doorrijden. Files van 20 kilometer? Voor ons geen probleem. Spitsuur in de stad? Kom maar op! Een stevige rit van zo’n 100 kilometer?
If you have documents/manuals that are not available on my website and that could be useful to others, I would be happy to share them via this website. Send me an email via the contact form and I will contact you.
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Document: Suzuki Burgman AN650 (Keychain).zip The ZIP file contains an STL file that can be processed by a 3D printer.Dimensions: 85 mm x 54 mm
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Brochure with the entire line-up of Suzuki Motorcycles from 2007.Document No.: 09 99992 10104 A07
Steeds meer mensen ontdekken de motorscooter en eerlijk gezegd zijn wij hierover niet echt verbaasd. Eind jaren ’90 reden wij al als liefhebbers door de grote steden, die toen ook al dichtgeslibd waren. En de mensen die klagen over kou of regen? Wie maalt daarom als je altijd en overal vlot kan doorrijden. Files van…
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Document No.: MR-22387-ANTR-2020 – Suzuki Burgman AN400A_2020
This is only the Scooter part of the complete brochure from 2007Document No.: 09 99992 10104 A07
Het is dé oplossing voor het fileprobleem. Je bent als eerste weg bij het verkeerslicht, je kunt vervolgens parkeren voor de deur en met een verbruik van 1 op 25 lach je iedereen uit! En dat alles met het sportieve comfort vergelijkbaar met die van een cabrio. Het kan met een motorscooter. Verwarmde handvatten en…
Documentnummer : 99501-36160-01E – Suzuki Burgman AN650A – Supplementary Service Manual
Documentnummer : 99500-34080-01E – Suzuki Burgman 400 – Service Manual
Documentnummer : 9900B-31169-000 – Suzuki Burgman AN650ZL6 – Parts
Documentnummer : 99500-31350-01E – Suzuki Burgman UH125 -2007-2009 – Service Manual
Documentnummer : 99500-34100-01E – Suzuki Burgman 400 – Service Manual
Documentnummer : 99500-36110-01E – Suzuki Burgman AN650 – Service Manual
Documentnummer : 99011-10G75-03A – Suzuki Burgman 650 (2009) – Owners Manual
Type | Four stroke, twin cylinder, DOHC |
Cooling system | Liquid cooling |
Cylinder capacity | 638cc |
Bore x stroke | 75.5 x 71.3mm |
Compression ratio. | 11.2:1 |
Valve drive | Double overhead camshafts (DOHC) |
Number of valves | 4 Valves per cylinder. (2x in and 2x out) |
Valve clearance (cold engine) | Inlet 0,10 – 0,20 mm, Outlet 0,20 – 0,30 mm |
Ignition | Digital electronic |
Spark plugs | 2x NGK CR8E / 2x NGK CR8EIX Iridium |
Electrode Gap | 0,7 mm |
Starter | Electric |
Gasoline supply | Fuel injection |
Fuel pressure | Between 2 and 5,5 Bar |
Maximum power | 55 hp @ 7.000 rpm |
Torque | 62 Nm @ 5.000 rpm |
Top speed | 185 km/hour |
Transmission | Electronically-controlled CVT (or 6-speed manual) |
Final reduction | push link belt |
Clutch | CVT |
Frame | Steel tubular type |
Wheelbase | 1.585 mm |
Head tube angle | 25.25° |
Follow-up | 103 mm |
Front suspension | Telescope, not adjustable |
Rear suspension | swingarm with coil springs, spring preload adjustable |
Front suspension travel | 110 mm |
Rear suspension travel | 100 mm |
Front brake | Double disc 260 mm, ABS |
Rear brake | Single disc 250 mm, ABS |
Linked braking system | Standard |
Front wheel material | Aluminium |
Rear wheel material | Aluminium |
Front carrying details and capacity | Three compartments incl. 12 volt outlet |
Rear carrying details and capacity | Underseat compartment (two full-face helmets) |
Front tire | 120/70 R 15″ |
Front tire speed rating | 56H |
Tube / Tubeless | Tubeless |
Full specification front tire | 120/70 R15M/C 56H |
Tire pressure front | 2,25 Bar |
Rear tire | 160/60 R 14″ |
Rear tire speed rating | 65H |
Tube / Tubeless | Tubeless |
Full specification rear tire | 160/60 R14M/C 65H |
Tire pressure Rear | 2,5 BAR (2,8 Bar with passenger) |
Enigine oil | SAE 10W-40 (suitable for a wet clutch) |
Amount of Engine oil (refill) | 2,6 liter |
Amount of Engine oil (including oilfilter change) | 3,4 liter |
Oil filter | Champion COF038 / HiFlo HF138 |
Oil pressure | Between 3,5 and 5,5 Bar @ 3 000 r/min., Oil temp. at 60 °C |
Lubrication | Wet sump |
Transmission Oil | SAE 10W-40 (suitable for a wet clutch) |
Amount of transmission oil | 360 ml |
Final drive Oil | SAE90 hypoid gear oil which is rated GL-5 |
Amount of final drive oil | 300 ml |
Front suspension type | Telescopic fork |
Front suspension size | 41 mm |
Front suspension travel | 105 mm |
Adjustable front fork preload | No |
Adjustable front rebound damping | No |
Central front strut | No |
Steering damper | No |
Rear suspension type | Double-sided swivel arm |
Rear suspension travel | 100 mm |
Rear adjustable spring preload | Yes |
Adjustable rear rebound damping | No |
Number of rear shock absorbers | 2 |
Rear suspension material | Aluminum / Steel |
Dimensions / Sizes / Contents
Length | 2.265 mm |
Width | 810 mm |
Height | 1.435 mm |
Wheelbase | 1.595 mm |
Saddle height | 760 mm |
Ground clearance | 130 mm |
Weight | 275 kg ready to drive |
Tank capacity | 15 litres |
Reserve | nb |
Digital instrumentation | Yes |
Clock | Yes (12 o’clock indication) |
Tachometer | Yes |
Trip Odometer | 2x (Trip A and trip B) |
Oil pressure gauge | Standard |
Speedometer | Digital (km/hour) |
Type of temperature indication | 5 segments indicator |
Fuel level type | 5 segments indicator |
Drivers license | Driving license A (Unlimited power) |
Guarantee | 3 years |
Recommended retail price NL | €12.999,- |
Recommended retail price BE | €12.500,- |
This is only the Scooter part of the complete brochure from 2007
Document No.: 09 99992 10104 A07
Het is dé oplossing voor het fileprobleem. Je bent als eerste weg bij het verkeerslicht, je kunt vervolgens parkeren voor de deur en met een verbruik van 1 op 25 lach je iedereen uit! En dat alles met het sportieve comfort vergelijkbaar met die van een cabrio. Het kan met een motorscooter. Verwarmde handvatten en zadel, maken ze het hele jaar door inzetbaar. Met een breed scherm zit je compleet uit de wind en op de luxe versie is deze zelfs elektrisch verstelbaar, zodat je in de zomer juist nog wat verkoelende wind vangt.
Documentnummer : 99501-36160-01E – Suzuki Burgman AN650A – Supplementary Service Manual
Documentnummer : 9900B-31169-000 – Suzuki Burgman AN650ZL6 – Parts
Documentnummer : 99500-36110-01E – Suzuki Burgman AN650 – Service Manual
Documentnummer : 99011-10G75-03A – Suzuki Burgman 650 (2009) – Owners Manual